Multiplayer VR! Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you were a giant capsule that could change colors? Well then you’ve probably also wondered what it would be like to float in space at a concert with an alien as a DJ and tons of other color-changing capsules wearing Oculus Rifts just like you needless to say. For this very reason, I have created Multiplayer VR!

It’s possible to communicate with others by changing color… Be creative! For ex. BRB or Be Right Back
Want to play when more people are online? International Party Times: 2PM, 6PM, 10PM, 2AM, 6AM, 10AM, PST |
This game should give me a good scope of the capabilities of the multiplayer network I am using, so I know what to expect for the next multiplayer game coming out. I’m trying to get a team going for the next project, so if you do advanced C#, 3D modeling, have a Unity Pro pass to donate, or do professional voice acting/recording then drop me a line.
So what are you waiting for? Download now by